
Visit to Kilgori

Dr. M. Jabbi Kilgori, the District Head of Kilgori in Yabo Local Government Area of Sokoto State, during the advocacy visit today by selected role models and women group leaders on EU-ACT/British Council in partnership with LHI project. On the issue of (Enhancing Women Participation in Political Processes and Decision Making) said, he believes in women/youth empowerment especially in the aspect of education and skills acquisition and for that, he believes that this project will change a lot of narratives or help in the continuity of changing the narratives of women by building their capacity.

He also said, he called the people with special needs, ” PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL ABILITIES” because he believes they acquire the same knowledge and skills or even more than us all. All they need is the opportunity and the same goes for women.

Women are stronger if supported by their fellow women and so each LGA in Sokoto should come out with one female candidate in the next election because they can take the community, state, and country to a greater level if supported.