Our Strategies


Across the thematic areas of operations, LHI shall be deploying 4 key strategies to implements its programs and are referred to as the ‘S-Strategies’: 

Strengthening Capacities (S-C)

This is about individual impact. LHI shall work to transfer knowledge, information, skills, and best practices to ensure that there is a transformative capacity to all that shall benefit from our services or directly to our beneficiaries, clients and community structures in or at all levels using well established approaches to ensure the best outcomes.

Strengthening Systems (S-S)

This is about institutional impact. LHI shall work through structured and institutional systems to support in building, further developing and strengthening and this shall cut across thematic areas such as health system strengthening, education or even community value system development or system.

Strengthening Partnership and collaboration (S-PC).

This is about ensuring collective outcomes. LHI’s efforts in community mobilization, engagement, education, or enlightenment shall be to develop, in a sustainable manner, partnership and collaborations that can ensure that beneficiaries, clients, survivors are in the driving wheel of any intervention and innovation.

Strengthening Networking & Linkages (S-NL)

This is about enriching through web of services. The set-up and outlook that we shall pursue a responsive, respectful, and efficient networking of services for the benefit of individuals that we reach and support, making referrals and linkages work well. We shall develop and deploy information and relationships that provide the needed access to opportunities or services.


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