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Brief Project Summary:

Main Goals and Key Activities:

The primary goal of the project is to enhance food and nutrition security and facilitate early recovery for crisis-affected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Returnees, and the host community in Biu Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno State, Northeast Nigeria. This initiative will be an integrated humanitarian and early recovery effort that provides emergency, life-saving cash assistance while simultaneously restoring the livelihoods of both women and men. Key activities include humanitarian cash assistance, diversified agricultural production with extension support, rural microfinance through Village Savings and Lending, Practical Nutrition Behavior Change Communication (including Infant and Young Child Feeding), and Women's Social and Economic Empowerment.

Rationale for the Project:

The ongoing crisis in Borno State has led to a complex humanitarian situation characterized by high levels of displacement, disrupted livelihoods, chronic food and nutrition insecurity, and a lack of stable income-generating activities. These challenges continue to erode household livelihood assets, disrupt social networks, and expose children and reproductive-age women to severe consequences of chronic malnutrition, as well as heighten the risks of abuse and exploitation for women and girls. IDPs are particularly affected, often facing food consumption deficits, poor dietary diversity, and resorting to emergency livelihood coping strategies. Biu LGA has been classified as IPC 3 regarding food security status.

Issues Addressed by the Project:

The project aims to combat food insecurity through humanitarian cash assistance and aims to protect crisis-affected individuals, especially women of reproductive age and children under five, from the irreversible effects of chronic food and nutrition insecurity. By integrating agricultural production support, economic empowerment, and protection for women and girls with humanitarian assistance, the project seeks to restore productive assets and strengthen households' resilience while minimizing negative coping strategies.

Target Participants:

The project will benefit both host and IDP families, targeting a total of 12,598 direct beneficiaries, including 2,470 women, 2,044 men, 3,916 girls, and 4,168 boys.

Project Location:

The project will be implemented in Biu LGA, Borno State, covering the following villages: Savana, Tabara, Tsahuyam, Zaramiringa, Bayan Tasha, Shememuda, Pompomari, Kasalabata, Dashu-2, Dangongoni, and Zonal Education IDP Camp.

What We Do

PROJECT Intervention

PMI-S GUC Project

Life Helpers Initiative (LHI) partnered with Management Science for Health (MSH) to implement the U.


Save the Children Federation, Inc., in collaboration with CARE International and Life Helpers Initia

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The Stabilization and Resilience Building Project, jointly implemented by Secours Islamique France (

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The BHA Project is a consortium-based initiative comprising IRC (International Rescue Committee), LH

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Life Helpers, in partnership with UNICEF, is launching the Reaching and Empowering Adolescent Girls

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Life Helpers Initiatives with Financial and Technical Support of The PLAN International ASPIRE Proje

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